When we took over Field Cottage in 2021 we had quite a bit of work to do in order to get the place ready for the public as a holiday home.
One particularly big task was cleaning the Rayburn oven in the kitchen which looked like it hadn’t had a good clean in a few years. The amount of grease on it was pretty yucky, so we called in Jonathan’s Oven Cleanse to help.
I’m not sure we have met someone so passionate about cleaning ovens before however Jonathan really new his stuff and was booked up several month in advance. He demonstrated his knowledge of Rayburn’s very well explaining how to clean them properly and not damage any enamel.
Jonathan turned up in December 2021 and sent photos of the work he did, with before and after shots so you can see how much work went into cleaning this particular oven.
Jonathan also does annual cleans although sadly, the Rayburn at Field Cottage is disconnected due to being a holiday home with many guests visiting. However, whilst not in use, it is there in the kitchen for you all to enjoy the beauty of this lovely (now nice and clean) Rayburn oven.